Hair Transplant

IIn hair transplantation, a detailed hair analysis report is prepared by our specialist physicians and the person is informed about their hair. Our hair transplant specialists identify the problems of your hair with hair analysis, plan your hair treatment

Hair Transplant

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In hair transplantation, a detailed hair analysis report is prepared by our specialist physicians and the person is informed about their hair. Our hair transplant specialists identify the problems of your hair with hair analysis, plan your hair treatment, and report the positive results of the treatments in a realistic way, giving their patients an appropriate treatment opportunity.

Before Hair Analysis, hair transplantation, the diagnosis must be made correctly. Apart from androgenic alopecia, different drug treatments may be sufficient for hair loss. Irreversible hair loss and family history are important in diagnosis. Androgenic alopecia begins with miniaturization. In miniaturization, the hair density decreases, the diameter of the hair follicles narrows, but the number of hair follicles is normal. In the future, the number of hair follicles will also decrease. Androgenic alopecia can be observed with two different methods. It starts with bitemporal regression and miniaturization in the crown region in normal norwood type shedding. In Norwood type A, shedding progresses regularly from front to back. In both phases, the lateral and nape hairs are resistant to androgens. However, the course of diffuse patent alopecia and diffuse unpattern alopecia is different, and hair transplantation should not be applied to patients with diffuse unpattern alopecia. Hair Transplantation Hair examination with trichogram or dermatoscope allows for more detailed analysis. In this case, it is possible to compare or compare after surgery or drug use.

Hair Loss (Alopecia) The term hair loss is used to describe different hair problems, from mild thinning of the hair to the loss of all hair. Under normal conditions, between 50-100 hairs are shed from our head per day. Shedding more than this is seen after diseases that affect the whole body such as advanced age, some febrile diseases, thyroid diseases, anemia, tuberculosis and diabetes. Hair Transplantation Hair loss, which is called alopecia in the medical language, is of two types: simple hair loss and pelad.

Causes of Hair Loss ;

. Diseases arising directly from the skin
· Side effects of some drugs
· As a result of certain diseases
· Stress
· Use of inappropriate hair care and cosmetic products
· Hereditary predisposition
· There are many different causes of hair loss.
· These, in decreasing frequency, are as follows.

”Normal hair loss, an average of 100 hairs per day”


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