Laser Removal

Laser epilation (Laser Epilation) provides getting rid of unwanted hair with the effect of certain light sources with wavelength. The laser light suitable for the skin selectively concentrates on the hair root, transforming into heat, without damaging the

Laser Removal

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Laser epilation, which is applied to permanently get rid of unwanted hair and fluff, is preferred by men and women of all ages. In the laser epilation process, the structure, color and thickness of the hair, skin type and color, age and gender of the person, racial factors and hormonal sensitivity and the features of the laser epilation device come to the fore.

Laser epilation (Laser Hair Removal) provides getting rid of unwanted hair with the effect of some light sources of certain wavelength. Laser light suitable for the skin selectively concentrates on the hair root, transforms into heat and destroys only the root itself and the core cell without damaging the surrounding tissue.

The person to whom laser epilation will be applied must be determined very well and consciously.

In addition, the professional and experienced person who applies the laser is an important factor in obtaining successful results. For example, Alexandrite laser; It can be successfully applied to any part of the body of people with white skin, thick and dark hair. After the age of 12, everyone can safely undergo laser hair removal. Sometimes, the age limit can be lowered even further in unusual situations (such as excessive hair growth on the upper lip before the age of 9 in girls). In order to get the maximum benefit, especially in all laser treatments applied to the face, the process should be done by following a little more carefully and closely. After a certain period of time, the laser epilation process allows the thinning of the thick hairs and the lightening of the dark hairs. In addition, it is recommended to try other lasers (ND yag or diode) at the point where the Alexandrite laser does not affect. This laser should not be made by heart or randomly. It should be essential to make a laser suitable for every type of hair or person. If the appropriate laser is not applied to the appropriate area, excessive growth of the hairs expressed as 'rebound' may be encountered.


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